Thursday, August 13, 2015

On Freaking Fun Facts

A small piece of me dies every time the leader of a group I'm in says a variation of, "Let's get to know each other by going around and saying fun facts."  It's the actual worst.  Not only do I have to be reminded of how unexciting I am, but now the people in this group who don't know me get to figure this out too.  Usually I like there to be at least a few days before people come to this realization on their own.

I was forced to give a fun fact about half a dozen times this summer alone, and usually I said something like I went to Europe last year or played for a competitive traveling basketball team when I was younger.  Once I was pretty desperate and mentioned that I have toe thumbs.  But the fact of the matter is, I'm not a piano prodigy, I haven't ridden elephants in the Sahara, I can't do weird things with body parts, and I'm not related to anyone remotely famous unless you count a former NASA astronaut (**s/o to Joe Engle only person to ever fly two different winged vehicles in outer space you da man**).

Something I did realize in all of those situations, though, was that there were a lot of people who had "fun facts" that were at least as lame as mine, if not more so.  The thing is, I still find the majority of them fun as I've gotten to know them.  I suppose it's a good reminder that you can't be completely defined by your past experiences and you definitely can't be defined by who you know.  Like, if my cousin happened to be Brad Pitt, does that change who I am as a person?  (Rhetorical question, because in actuality I would probably be richer and have cameos in his movies and babysit Shiloh and Pax and crew, but no.  Beside the point.)  There's still - hopefully - plenty of time to develop as a person and have new experiences that will give me a whole host of new fun facts to choose from the next time somebody asks.

I think the toe thumb one is a keeper though.

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