Sunday, February 28, 2016

On My Love of Haikus

Wow hello again blog, it's been a minute! I kind of forgot this existed, but the nice thing is, I think the handful of people I told about this blog when I started writing have definitely forgotten about it too. I feel like I'm in my little cocoon of anonymity, which is why I am freely admitting that I am typing this at a snail's pace (or caterpillar's pace, if we're sticking with the cocoon theme) on my phone, in bed, 11:30pm on a Saturday night. I'm not really sure what inspired the recollection of blogging or making a new post, but I think it has to do with the fact that this weekend has been the first weekend since the semester started that I've been able to do slow down and do things like READ A BOOK. Usually reading reminds me of my love for words and their malleability and beauty and voila, here I am. 

So I'm not going to go into detail about my life right now but suffice it to say, it's February, my life is studying for the CPA exam + 8-week accelerated classes, boys suck, etc. etc. On Thursday afternoon, while feeling the culmination of all these sucky aspects of my life especially acutely, my best friend helped to cheer me up by writing haikus to make fun of one of the sucky boys in my life right now. Was this a childish thing to do? Yes. Was this a wonderfully entertaining thing to do? Oh yes. Haikus are the shit. They convey what you want to convey without mincing words. They're simple but powerful. Every syllable counts. So with that, I'm going to write some haikus about my life...

I've become both an--
Early bird and a night owl 
Afternoons are hard

I can't remember
The last day that passed when I 
Didn't have coffee

Do friends dance like this?
There are many more questions 
I wish I had asked 

I deserve better
Then again, so did the guys 
I did that to, too

Take me on a trip 
I would like to go someday
San Francisco Bay?*

*loosely based on the Estelle/Kanye West hit "American Boy" because I hit a creative wall

Until next time

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